Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Patrick kills.. Patrick kills..

Patrick kills me

hideous pleasure, hideous pain, someones walkin over my grave- but im still alive!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

woof woof

i had these dreams last night. one was a real crazy one with a friend of mine. i cant talk about that one, it was sad for him. he was just crying next to this chick with a tattoo on her face. not interesting.

i have a re-occuring theme in my dreams. it used to be cigarettes. strange since i dont really smoke. then it was trains. that stopped too. then it was crucifixes shooting fire. a very strange thing to dream but i always dreamt i had a crucifix that shot fire at people. then zombies. and now its cats. either me playing with them, or them trying to scratch out my eyes and scratch my face, lots of clawing, sometimes cuddling. black cats. white cats. always cats.

and then last night i dreamt i made out with a dog. new theme? i think each theme stands for lovers

Friday, December 24, 2010

worst month for blogging ever

i am deeply ashamed. i coulda done so much better. wahhh.whatever. im great anyway

Monday, December 20, 2010

"djing is the fudge brownie of 20 something yearolds"

i dont remember saying that but apparently i did at some point..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"you know a lot of fancy words.. but whenever you say 'em they come out dirty"

i dont think i can sum this up anymore. this can be about anyone and everyone. there are so many people who i feel this applies to. i hate fake glass cubic zirconia shit

Thursday, December 2, 2010

i miss my broken men

i miss my broken people and their problems and shit. sangria is great when you have fruit. broken people, sangria and the unemployed, as well as the EMployed. all such a good group. and if you break them down individually, youll find beauty in everyone and forget their drug problems, or their temper tantrums or lack-o-commitment. you find passionate people who are trying to make their place in the world even if noone else notices it.someone will. they themselves need a sense of accomplishment even if its something so insignificant as climbing an ambulance or working with a musician you love. i hold my broken people near even if i dont see them for months or talk to them. when youre broken, you dont need to try to keep it all together b/c ya know... its gonna fall apart.so let it fall, and when the time is right, put it back together again. i have faith that they will understand. i will see my dears soon.let me get it together first.


i have this little wish and this little attraction to this weird thing. it happened so suddenly! when it was first offered (well it wasnt offered, it was more like hanging around shining like a fuckin diamond), i didnt care. it was a diamond and it looked great but i had no interest because i was interested in something else. towards the end i started to find some beauty in it, but it was too late b/c it walked away and i havent seen it again

recently, a few weeks ago, i remmebered the diamond! and suddenly i became partially obessesed!today has been all about partial things i noticed. but anyway, back to the story. the diamond which again, is out of reach, has some how come back and not on its own accord. just in my mind. a stupid fantasy but why? why now? 8 months later after not being interested the first time. wtfff. i dont know. theres a reason for everything. even tarot points to something. lets see where this shifty eyed cracked diamond takes me... oh wait.. did i mention, this diamond has some serious flaws? did i mention that its not a diamond in fact its prob cubic zirconia?

why do i always fall for the broken down car?

court cases are decided by a series of blow jobs

duhhhhhhhh. where ya been? al-buh-kirk-ee?