i dont know what difference a change of website will make but the time has come. ameliaivo is no more. ameliaivo started out strong after the collaps e of my last blog (and life). every now and then hints of hope and creativity blah blah. but another one of my famous innerchanges is going on within.
and so i begin another blog. a third. also named after a cocteau twins song. what will the difference be? i couldnt really say. something more raw? more stories maybe? i dont know.
im mainly doing this because 320 blog entries are an awful lot to read on one site. and i expect you dears to read as many as you can. but 320 is an undesirable number of thingies to read. so here i go. l8er. i still love all the people that i always loved and i also love the people that i hate because it shows that they are dear even in a horrible way. sweet cheery, cya.