Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Family night never originally consisted of savage beatings

But you might say boredom drove us to it. That and too many Fireball swigs in our system.

i remember telling Stephanie, "Gosh, if only i could knock out Georgie (my great grandpa), hes such a smug motherfucker with his wisdom and all".  And that night i got the courage thanks to the Fireball swigs riding stallions through my veins. .....He was in the midst of telling us about the best blow job he ever got when i took him by the remaining bits of his horseshoe hair and knocked him out. I couldnt deal with his mysoginistic ways anymore and although i was new to the feminism thing (im actually 72 hours into being a feminist), i knew what i had done was right.

Then my idiot brother joined in on the fun by smashing a bottle over my head. I don't remember much after that.

My father decided that enough was enough and he emptied out the cat on to everyone in the living room. He then proceeded to whip us with his iPhone charger.

eventually things settled down, we all shook hands and went to the Olive Garden as originally planned. But it really makes you think.....were the fireballs responsible for our behavior..or did they just release what was already inside?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

you are a legend

HE IS A LEGEND. He made sure of it. There are ways to get out of being a nobody but they arent pretty. he faced quite a bit of harsh criticism for it.

"He makes excuses.", one person explained. "We all tried to convince him to apply for a job at the diner as a busboy. The sucker said No, that he was working on some album with Jay Z".

"the problem with people like ____ is that they think that accomplishing something big is a good thing and its such a misconception. Talented people are the loneliest people in the world because there are so few of them. Why would you want to be talented? ____ says he wants to 'create beauty'. Im not a religious guy but last time i checked, creating beauty is considered a sin in the bible"

"Dont get me wrong, I love  the dude and isee where hes coming from", said Orville Redenbacher the third, another friend of ____.  "i mean my great grandfather was the same way so i get it. People like that are needed in the world but most of thoseguys are messed up loners.  Look at.Stephen Hawking; No one talks to that guy. My point is, ____ is a great guy and deserves to be average just likr everyone else".

cooky why you dirty

i cant. get over it..why do my cookies taste dirty?

cooki dirrty grrl!!

Remember a second ago when i said my cookies tasted dirty?...they still do... hahahahah some things never change huh?

Internet dating in the golden age of internet dating

Sure i might be a  little skeptical about the whole thing but can you blame me?

All i know is that the last time i sat near a computer
All i saw was hostility
and a bunch of big blank stares
that were hiding behind emoticons

It is possible
but definetly not probable
that i literally made you LMAO.
i may have made you LOL quick but a full LMAO? COME ON

you need facial expressions amd sounds
or at least spot-on descriptions
So if you try to lure me in on good ol facebook
you better be a damn good writer


my cookies taste dirty

Today is decided by tomorrow

this is because we are always planning ahead. getting ready for something, waiting to watch a movie, even waiting for a sentence to be spoken just so you can respond..AFTER

so what am i saying?  essentially nothing. dont worry about it