Thursday, January 16, 2014

you are a legend

HE IS A LEGEND. He made sure of it. There are ways to get out of being a nobody but they arent pretty. he faced quite a bit of harsh criticism for it.

"He makes excuses.", one person explained. "We all tried to convince him to apply for a job at the diner as a busboy. The sucker said No, that he was working on some album with Jay Z".

"the problem with people like ____ is that they think that accomplishing something big is a good thing and its such a misconception. Talented people are the loneliest people in the world because there are so few of them. Why would you want to be talented? ____ says he wants to 'create beauty'. Im not a religious guy but last time i checked, creating beauty is considered a sin in the bible"

"Dont get me wrong, I love  the dude and isee where hes coming from", said Orville Redenbacher the third, another friend of ____.  "i mean my great grandfather was the same way so i get it. People like that are needed in the world but most of thoseguys are messed up loners.  Look at.Stephen Hawking; No one talks to that guy. My point is, ____ is a great guy and deserves to be average just likr everyone else".

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