Tuesday, January 15, 2013



i cant tell if youre poignant or pregnant.. ?

fat or profound?

we have become tea and sushi people

never thought id see the day but yes, its true. my mom 2.

thats very cute that you take shit seriously

i like the emotion in your eyes when you do stuff. are you an actOR?

Monday, January 14, 2013

are you my frannndd?

He held on to this piece of deer for too long..this deer was long dead in his hands but he continued to hold it because he said he was waiting for its soul to seep in.... to his pores i assume. He has ungodly looking pores on his hands. They look like tiny skin explosions. But they were still too big and ruined his modeling career.

Whenever he did get roles, he was held in the same office as heart attack victims. Everything waas heart attack proof; no windows or unpredictable objects/people /situations allowed. No cocaine or caffine. No faggy boys to scare away the old ppl. No high cholesterol thingies. Cheerios forever.

"im just trying to find some kind of meaning in life, ya know?" he said to one of the fellow victims in the heart attack unit. this guy didnt care what this washed up model had to say. big deal. you have big pores? i got a shitty heart. thats how he saw it.

so model-bitch sat waiting with this rotting deer still in his hands. the stench was becoming unbearable and violated some of the rules of the unit and was upsetiing the other people. he insisted that he would get rid of the deer as soon as he had his soul. one person was about to get up to complain to one of the nurses when something incredible began to happen. The deer carcass began to vibrate!

"here it comes!" model boy exclaimed

sure enough this strange thingy that can never quite be described began to make its way into model boys pores... i guess it was the deer soul but whatever it was, model boy must have been allergic because as soon as it made its way into his system, he collapsed and died on the spot.

It was against the rules to die in the heart attack unit (its scares the other patients) and so model boys carcass was taken to court. He was found guilty and sentenced to a "lifetime" of servitude as an organ donor. everyone in the courtroom wanted a piece of him, all but his hands.