Tuesday, March 29, 2011

what do i have to do?

do i need to paint my face and flail my limbs? start a hoax? shave my head? what will it take?

Thursday, March 24, 2011



Wednesday, March 23, 2011


spazz: oh brocky, ive gone and done it again

brocks; whats dat?

spazz: i ate a bad onion and now i cant seem to leave the bathroom except to inform you on the progress of my condition and the flames surrounding my crack. buttcrack that is.

brocks: now spazz, you know thats awful vulgar of you. what would the other people here think?!

spazz: they would feel sorry.

brocks: i think they would be disgusted.

spazz: noone has any compassion anymore. noone.

brocks: Good god spazz! what are you getting at? dont get emotional on me! how odd. i never saw you as an emotional person. whats wrong with you?!

("every rose has its thorn" starts playing softly in the background)

spazz: i think i have to go.

brocks; bathroom?

spazz: no. just leave.

brocks: take wattie's pet iguana with you. the streets are wet and dark and no place for an unescorted young woman with a timebomb for a butt. i meant that in two ways. lil joke there, heh.

spazz; i dont need ignacio (the iguana), i can take care of myself for the time being. but you just wait. i will be dependent on something soon. you know i have weak moments; eventually someones gonna have to help me. just gonna have to ask i guess.

brocks: do it soon. before you hit rock bottom.

spazz is quiet.

spazz: well aren't you honest?

you leave me here in the shada-lala

when time passes even some of the ugliest things can look good again in retrospect. at the same time the complete opposite can happen and things might become even uglier. ask yourself why did i pull 4 of pentacles/knight of swords broo-haha? does it even matter anymore?the trick to letting go of old grudges is to make new ones. suddenly that last pissstain dont look so bad! and thats because theres fresh piss all over my slacks and its really uncomfortable and you ought to be punished!

but a pissstain is a pisstain that is, unless it is a shitstain and those do not come out as easily, if ever even. how many shits have people taken on you?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

stop being a baby!

reach for the stars, get high, real high... but keep a reality check. fantasy and reality must be kept separate... or else. i got high, real high and then i forgot i had to come back down again.

photo from the 'double dutch' video i believe

good song. never lets ya down

all i do is sicko

this actually happened yesterday (not the exact lines at all, but similar situation)

wattie: (off in the distance) "seems like he's having fun"

spazz says nothing.

wattie: (says something spazz cant understand)

spazz just smiles and doesnt ask what.

Spazz: Just spent my sobriety on more than likely, Miller Hi-life. what do i do?

Wattie: I'm an alky! you think you can even ask me this question?? i bet your pubes aren't even red!

Spazz: Happy st patricks day, Wattie

Wattie: So much crazed NYC anger. All unavoidable and un-understandable anger. you need a salt and pepper recovery. you know what the means? it means getting back to the basics. I just wanna listen to the beatles and go to bed. Goodnight... Help! ... help me. I will help you help me.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

its whatever


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

yet another winner

"He doesnt care about warfare, he must be safe
We adhere to the idea of mister Mr. sincere,
And we adhere to all that he holds dear, but all the things that he holds, he owns"

Monday, March 7, 2011


didnt like that last one so i deleted it.

clocks that disintegrate into beads

every single time i start something i end up regreting it because i dont think it through and i dont use spellcheck or common sense. the best thing to do in a situation where you dont know what to do and dont have time is to just start and see where it goes. look at me. 7 31 pm. still gotta shower. and what about tomorrow? i wanna go to the beach before work. maybe ill do that. do you dare me, because i will. i certainly will but damn will i have to get up early. oh dear. here i go again. my 5th bowl of pasta coming up. ive got some explaining to do, ricky. :/

endless blockades for the pussyfooter

driving down the highway with fins is rather difficult. but oh well. the life of a penguin, ya know?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


theres realy never been a daydream that didn't leave me smiling and as i get old all i see makes less sense to me

time for your bath, renfield

Things to do:

go eat my pizza when its done (3 minutes)
get ready

buy a jacket
buy underwear. maybe some candy if i have time.

meet with a pal and get wine. perhaps go exploring if shes up for it. maybe central park. maybe downtown. or williamsburg and criticize criticise kriticize.

TypiKal wednesday. im just doing the best i can. and all i cando is try my best 4 u.