Wednesday, July 7, 2010


one of these days youre going to wake up and find me in your bed.

im going to be lying right next to you staring straight into your eyes. im not gonna move until you start screaming, and thats when i'll start screaming too. and then youre going to grab the nearest item (depending on your hobbies; if youre into sports, it could be a baseball bat. if youre into music, a guitar. if youre into art, maybe youll stab me with some color pencils etc etc), and youll attempt to attack me. i'll jump out of the way in time the first few times but i;ll get hit every here and there. i'll grab an arm and bite you with all my might. If you have stairs in your apartment, youll throw me down them. if not, youll beat my head against the floor until i pass out. either way, i'll wake up 30 min later in a haze and find myself covered in condiments. mustard, ketchup, mayo, etc. and youll be sitting across from me watching me until you see my eyes open. and we'll both start screaming again. the cycle repeating itself, only this time, im gonna win.


  1. if i keep falling asleep with this thought in my head maybe it will materialize itself, and on that day i will probably die. or at the very least find myself covered in condiments.

  2. in a perfect world, we would always wake up covered in mustard.

  3. i cannot muster the mustard, rather i find myself craving a custard. i'm suitably flustered.

    i can't believe i'm considered an adult.

  4. i ate french fries and ketchup, guess i fell asleep and forgot to wipe my mouth. woke up with ketchup around my mouth. im half way theree
